
Selected Press Releases and News Interviews: 

Invited Keynote speech – The Future of Mobile – IAB Mexico, August 13, 2014 (along with 8 press interviews in LATAM press) 

Invited Keynote speech – The Future of Mobile Technologies– Mobile Marketing Association, Singapore, May 22, 2014 

Interview – The Hindi, May, 2014 

Interview - Singapore Straits - Business Week – May 2014 

DICE Conference Panel (Feb 2011)– televised on G4; the Future of Gaming, Panelists – Dr. Beverly Harrison - Intel and Dr. Richard Marks - Sony . 

Jan CES: Intel keynote and booth demo: Interactive Toys – Lego 

AutoDesk University Trade Show, Nov 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada: Intel and Autodesk demonstration of interactive 3D gestures and modeling 

BusinessWeek magazine – Nov 2010: Profiling Innovators: Beverly Harrison 

CNN October 2010 - Edge of Discovery (technology profile) 

CBS Dec 2010  – Technology Innovation profile – CBS Evening News 

Selected Refereed Conference Papers/Publications: 

Driver Classification Based on Driving Behaviors. (2016). Zhang C., Patel, M., Buthpitiya, S., Lyons, K., Harrison, B. Abowd, G. ACM Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) 2016.

Predicting the next app that you are going to use. (2014). Silvestri, F. Liang, D., Baeza-Yates. R., Harrison, B. WSDM 2015. Won best paper award at Yahoo TechPulse corporate conference (acceptance rate 15%).

Three hours a day: A Study of Teen Use of Smartphones. (2015) Rafalow, M., Bentley, F., Lyons, K., Church, K., Harrison, B. Journal of HCI, Oct 2015 

Investigating Receptiveness to Sensing and Inference in the Home Using Sensor Proxies. Choe, E.K., Consolvo, S., Jung, J., Harrison, B., Patel, S., & Kientz, J.A. (2012). In the Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on UbiquitousComputing (UbiComp 2012), Pittsburgh PA., Sept 5-8, 2012

Living in a Glass House: A Survey of Private Moments in the Home. Choe, E.K., Consolvo, S., Jung, J., Harrison, B., & Kientz, J.A. (2011). In the Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2011). Beijing, China (September 17–21, 2011).

Examining interaction with general-purpose objecr recognition in LEGO OASIS (2011). Ziola, R., Landes, N., Harrison, B., Fogarty, J., Fox, D., IEEE Visual Language and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) 2011. Sept 12-22, 2011. Pittsburgh, PA. pp. 65-68.

HeatWave: Exploring the Feasibility of Thermal Imaging for Surface User Interaction. Cohn, G., Gupta,S., Ren, X., Harrison, B., Fox, D., Patel, S., (2010) ACM CHI 2011.

Whack Gestures: An Example of Inattentive and Inexact Interaction with Mobile Devices. (2010). (with Hudson, S. E., Harrison, C., and LaMarca, A.) In Proceedings of Tangible and Embedded Interfaces (TEI) 2010. ACM Press.

Bonfire: A Nomadic System for Hybrid Laptop-Tabletop Interaction. (2009). Shaun K. Kane, Daniel Avrahami, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Beverly Harrison, Adam Rea, Matthai Philipose & Anthony LaMarca.  In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST'09), pp. 129-138, October 2009. ACM Press.

UbiGreen: Investigating a Mobile Tool for Tracking and Supporting Green Transportation Habits. (2009). Jon E. Froehlich, Tawanna Dillahunt, Predrag Klasnja, Jennifer Mankoff, Sunny Consolvo, Beverly Harrison and James A. Landay. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM CHI 2009. 

Examining Difficulties Software Developers Encounter in the Adoption on Statistical Machine Learning. (2008). Patel, K., Fogarty, J., Landay, J. , and Harrison, B. In Proceedings of AAAI 2008.

Using Wearable Sensors and Real Time Inference to Understand Human Recall of Routine Activities. (2008). Predrag Klasnja, Beverly Harrison, Louis LeGrand, Anthony LaMarca, Jon E. Froehlich and Scott Hudson. International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, UBICOMP 2008

The Mobile Sensing Platform: An Embedded System for Capturing and Recognizing Human Activities (2008). with T. Choudhury, G. Borriello, S. Consolvo, D. Haehnel, B. Harrison, B. Hemingway, J. Hightower, P. Klasnja, K. Koscher, A. LaMarca, J. Lester, J.A. Landay, L. LeGrand, A. Rahimi, A. Rea, & D. Wyatt.  IEEE Pervasive Computing Special Issue on Activity-Based Computing, 7(2), (Apr-Jun 2008), pp. 32-41.

Investigating Statistical Machine Learning as a Tool for Software Development. (2008) with Patel, K., Fogarty, J., Landay, J., and Harrison, B. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, In ACM CHI' 2008.

S. Consolvo, D.W. McDonald, T. Toscos, M.Y. Chen, J. Froehlich, B. Harrison, P. Klasnja, A. LaMarca, L. LeGrand, R. Libby, I. Smith, & J.A. Landay. "Activity Sensing in the Wild: A Field Trial of UbiFit Garden, Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems: CHI ’08, (Apr 2008), pp. 1797-806.

Examining Difficulties Software Developers Encounter in the Adoption on Statistical Machine Learning. (2008). Patel, K., Fogarty, J., Landay, J. , and Harrison, B. In Proceedings of AAAI 2008

S. Consolvo, B. Harrison, I. Smith, M.Y. Chen, K. Everitt, J. Froehlich, & J.A. Landay. "Conducting In Situ Evaluations for and with Ubiquitous Technologies," International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 22, No. 1-2, (2007), Pages 103-118.

How Often Do You Ask People to Get Accurate Recall of Routine Activities (2007). (with Klasnja, P., LeGrand, L., LaMarca, A., Froehlich, J., and Hudson, S. E.) In Proceedings of CHI 2007. ACM Press. 

MyExperience: A System for In situ Tracing and Capturing of User Feedback on Mobile Phones (2007). (with Froehlich, J., Chen, M. Y., Consolvo, S., Landay, J.). Proceedings of Ubicomp 2007. 16-19 September, 2007. Innsbruck, Austria.

Conducting In Situ Evaluations for and with Ubiquitous Computing Tecnhologies, (2007). (With S. Consolvo, I. Smith, M. Chen., K. Everitt, J. Forehlich, J. Landay). International Journal of HCI. 22(1), 107-122.

Groupsense: Omnipresent Awareness Information (2002) (with Dieberger, Dorohonceanu, Farrell, Kandogan, Moran, and Smith). Proceedings of CSCW 2002. November, 2002. New Orleans, LA.

Encountering Awareness Information with GroupSense Displays and Tools. (2002). (with Dieberger, Dorohonceanu, Farrell, Kandogan, Moran, and Smith). Proceedings of CSCW 2002. November, 2002. New Orleans, LA.

The past and future of E-books (2000), IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, June, 2001.

Embodied User Interfaces for Really Direct Manipulation. (2000). (with K. P. Fishkin, A. Gujar, T. P. Moran, and R. Want), Communications of the ACMSept. 2000, Vol.43 No.9, pp75-80.

The Ins and Outs of Collaborative Walls: Demonstrating the Collaborage Concept; (1999). (with T. Moran, E. Saund, W. van Melle, R. Bryll, A. Gujar, K. Fishkin). Proceedings of CHI’99. Short paper. pp. 192-193.

Implementing Phicons: Combining Computer Vision with Infrared Technology for Interactive Physical Icons. 1999. (with D. Moore, R. Want, A. Gujar, and K. Fishkin). ACM UIST’99Ashville, N.C., November 8th-10th 1999. pp 67-68.

Design and technology for collaborage: collaborative collages of information on physical walls. (1999).(with E. Saund, T. Moran, w. van Melle, K. Fishkin). ACM UIST’99Ashville, N.C., November 8th-10th 1999. pp 197-206.

Bridging Physical and Virtual Worlds with Electronic Tags. (1999). (with R. Want, K. Fishkin, and A. Gujar). Proceedings of CHI '99, April 1999, Pittsburgh, PA.

Embodied User Interfaces: Towards Invisible User Interfaces. (1998) (with K. Fishkin and T. Moran). Proceedings of European Workshop on Computer-Human Interaction (ECHI) '98.

Squeeze Me, Hold Me, Tilt Me! An Exploration of Manipulative User Interfaces. (1998) (with K. Fishkin, A. Gujar, C. Mochon, R. Want). Proceedings of CHI '98. Los Angeles, April 18-23, 1998. pp. 17-24..

A Diary Study of Work-Related Reading: Design Implications for Digital Reading Devices, (1998). (with A. Adler, A. Gujar, K. O'Hara, A. Sellen). In Proceedings of CHI'98Los Angeles, April 18-23, 1998. pp.241-248. 

A Comparative Evaluation of Display Technologies for Reading (1998). (with A. Gujar and K. Fishkin), Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42 Annual Meeting, October, 1998, Chicago, IL. pp. 527-531.

A Case Study of Transparent User Interfaces in a Commercial 3-D Modeling and Drawing Application. (1996). (with K.Vicente). Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) 40th Annual Conference, September, 1996. Philadelphia, PA.

An Experimental Evaluation of Transparent Menu Usage. (1996) (with K. Vicente). Proceedings of CHI'96 Conference. ACM Press. April 14-18, 1996. Vancouver, B. C.

An Experimental Evaluation of Transparent Layered User Interface Tools and Information Content. (1995). (with G. Kurtenbach and K. Vicente). Proceedings of User Interface Software and Technologies (UIST)'95, ACM Press, November, 1995. Pittsburgh, PA.

Transparent Layered User Interface: An Evaluation of a Display Deisgn to Enhance Focused and Divided Attention. (1994). (with H. Ishii, K. Vicente, and B. Buxton). Proceedings of CHI'95 Conference. ACM Press. May, 1995. Denver, CO.

Timelines: An Interactive System for the Collection and Visualization of Temp oral Data (1994). (with R. Owen and R. M. Baecker). Proceedings of Graphics Interface '94 Conference. Banff, Alberta. May 18-20, 1994, pp. 171=178.

Communicating About Communicating: Cross Disciplinary Design of a Media Space Interface. (1994). (with M. Mantei, G. Bierne, and T. Narine). Proc. of CHI'94 Conference, ACM PressBoston, MA.

Do Perceptions Match Reality? A Comparison of Subjective and Objective Measures in Video Mediated Communication. (1992). (with M. H. Chignell and R. M. Baecker). Proceedings of the Human Factors Association of Canada 24th Annual Conference. October 25-28, 1992. Hamilton, Ontario, pp.21-35.

Out of Site, Still In Mind? A Case Study in Video Mediated Communication. (1992). (with M. H. Chignell and R. M. Baecker). Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 36th Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. October 12-18, 1992, pp. 242-246. 

Designing Video Annotation and Analysis Systems. (1992) (with R. M. Baecker). Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '92 Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia. May 11-15, 1992. pp. 157-166.

Video Annotation and Multimedia Interfaces: From Theory to Practice. (1991).

Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 35th Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA. September, 1991. pp. 319-323.

Task Network Modeling of Human Performance in a Stroop Effect Experiment. (1990). (with S. Zhai and P. Milgram). Proceedings of the Human Factors Association of Canada, 23rd Annual Conference. September 12- 15, 1992. Ottawa, Ontario.

Invited Refereed Articles:  

What have you done with Location-Based Services Lately? (2009) Harrison, B., and Dey, A., IEEE Pervasive.Computing, August 2009.  

TheVANNA Video Annotation and Analysis System. (1993). Cultural Anthropology Methods Newsletter. Vol 5.2, June 1993.  

Privacy Issues in Video Conferencing. (1993). Special Issue on Privacy in Computer Supported Collaborative Work. SIGOIS Bulletin, Fall, 1993.    

Invited Book Chapter: 

Using Multi-modal Sensing for Human Activity Modeling in the Real World. (2009). Harrison, B., Consolvo, S., and Choudhury, T., Book Chapter in Handbook of Ambient Inteliigence and Smart Environments. Springer-Verlag. 

Multimedia Tools for Social and Interactional Data Collection and Analysis. (1995). The Social and Interactional Dimensions of Human-Computer Interfaces. Peter Thomas (Ed.). Cambridge University Press. 1995. 


Invited Workshops and Tutorials: 

Increasing the Breadth: Applying Sensors, Inference and Self-Report in Field Studies with the MyExperience Tool. (2007). (with Froehlich, J., Chen, M. Y., Consolvo, S., Landay, J.). Ubicomp 2007 workshop paper.  16-19 September, 2007. Innsbruck, Austria. 

Augmenting Everyday Objects for Healthcare Monitoring Applications. (2007). Invited Workshop paper on TangibleUser Interfaces in Context and Theory, ACM CHI 2007. 

Moving Towards Naturalistic Interaction with Invisible Interfaces: Can “Digital Simplicity” be Achieved? (2006). Invited Workshop on Tangible and Embedded Interfaces, ACM SIGCHI 2006.  

An Activity Centric Approach to Context Sensitive Time Management. Invited Workshop on The Temporal Aspects of Work, ACM SIGCHI 2004.   

Designing for Wireless Devices, Invited Workshop on The Future of Wireless Technology. FX-Palo Alto Labs, October 2001.  

Workshop on Distributed and Disappearing User Interfaces in Ubiquitous Computing, ACM SIGCHI 2000. 

Telepresence and Communication Technologies. (1992). (with M. Mantei, B. Buxton, R. Baecker). Tutorial at Graphics Interface'92 Conference, Vancouver © Beverly Harrison 2012